Apr 23 - 25, 2021 

The rituals of BDSM - a retreat in the Estonian countryside with amazing Andy Buru.
Due to this being so popular we do it again.

On this third retreat on the theme of rituals and BDSM, we will work with the stories that shape our desires. In one way everything in BDSM is a role-play because we start as equals and move into a story of polarity and play. The tales of the eros are often dark, twisted, and grotesque because our sexuality is a balancing force in action. And therefore a unique path for inquiry and self-discovery.

Andy will draw upon inspiration from Scandinavian theatre to mythological archetypes, and Japanese ghost stories, to give an entry point into playing with power, pain, shame and surrender. And also a context to move away from a technical practice into an intimate emotional space. Hopefully, in this, you will find the connection to your hidden fantasies, to share, empower, and act them out.

And on popular demand, we will dig deeper into the practice of rope bondage, and how being "tied" paradoxically is both deep belonging and helplessness, at the same time. And how the untying can be both abandonment and freedom. In the end, there is neither dark or light, but only a reflection of our judgments.

The Participation cost is 350 euros.

Excellent food, comfortable accommodation, tools and sauna are included. 


Further information is provided on filling out the form or email: eluessents@gmail.com

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